SARI: The aim of the study is revealing the cause factor of the happening of and form the solution model applied to environment dispute occurred in region of Karanganyar. The cause of environment dispute in region Karanganyar, environmental dispute between PTIndo Acidatama Chemical Industry residing in Kemiri Kebakkramat versus some of farmersociety in Sroyo and Kemiri (1999-2000) and also environ mental dispute between PTPalurRaya residing in Ngringo Jaten versus someof Ngringo society which is merged into byConsortium of Waste Victim (KKL) PTPalur Raya (2000-2002) is the existence ofanticipa tion havethe happening of environmental contamination in consequence of have operated company (PT IACI andPTPalur Raya). To solve the dispute between PT Indo Acidatama Chemical Industry residing in Kemiri Kebakkramat versus parts farmer society In Sroyo and Kemiri (1999-2000) with formed its function ing Tim-9 connecting problems faced between company and society. This team give the solution which In character rrecommend to company andcontrol when needed; while to environmental dispute that happened between PT Palur Raya versus KKL is pass the mechanism of Is solving of extrajudlcal environment dispute In the form of Environmental Medlasi (mediator Ir. Agus Qunawan Wlbisono). This Mediasi yield the Agreement Mediasi ofdate of22July 2000 and followed with the Independent Team forming.
Key Word: Environmental Dispute, Settlement
Penulis: Waluyo
Kode Jurnal: jphukumdd060011

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