Abstract: Minus  margin  is  a  busniess  strategy  usually  employed by business  actors  to  win  the  market.  Many  retails  in Indonesia  practice  minus  margin.  Practically,  minus margin can be classified within two concepts in nature,  i.e. the long term  minus margin  and the short term  one.  From business actors perspective this practice is not illegal.  It is in  a  grey  area.  If there  is  a  breach  it  is  no  more  than  a breach of business ethics.  Legally speaking,  minus margin, especially  the  long  term  one,  if it  violates  the  law, especially  the  anti-monopoly  act,  the  law  should  be eliforced.
Kata Kunci: Minus Margin,  business strategy, anti-monopoly
Penulis: Dyah Hapsari Prananingrum
Kode Jurnal: jphukumdd070045

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