SARI: This research was
conducted to findout the rightpatternofempowering women to deal with violence
against wives (Ktl), which happened inhouseholdand to identity any obstacles
appearedin the effort to empowerwomen andstate the solution. This empirical
research used primary data.
Datagathering had alreadydone byconducting indepth interviewandlibrary
study. The resultwas then being an alyzedusing interactive qualitative analysis
technique.From the result, the researchers identified that there are two things
cause Ktl: The imbalanced relationship between husband and wife and the absence
of social control in the neithersociety nor environment. According that, the
researchers suggested two ways of empowering women:they are ingeneral andinspecific. Empowering womeningeneral means since the
children are introducedto, theirsex identities, do not happened any
discrimination against women. In specific, there were preventive andrepressive
ways. The preventive ways weregiving the understanding aboutrights and dutiesas
husbandand wife in the perspective of gender and also givingany motivations to be
autonomous forthe wife. Therepressive ways were givingjuridical, psychological,
economical, social and political reinforcement. Any obstacles to this
effortwere differentiatedinto internaland external fac tors. The
internalfactors were inferiority, shyness, having a feeling ofgetting old,
failure, pessimism and several otherbad feelings. While the externalfactorsare
thestrongpaternalistic culture inthe societyand the unawareness ofthe
violenceinthehousehold(KDRT) itselfas a criminal act anda publicresponsible.
Keywords: Empowering women,
violence agains wife
Penulis: Anjar S. CIptorukmi N
Kode Jurnal: jphukumdd080099