Abstract: The will to meaning of life is the fundamental motivation present in every individual. The fulfillment of these needs stem from the three values   which include: the creativ values, experiental values, and attitudinal values. The source of the meaning of life values   that will be actualized with the help of the role of spiritual qualities that are potentially present in every individual as a shaper of spiritual quetion. By adopting the theoretical basis logoanalisis developed by  Victor  E.  Frankl  in  therapeutic  methods  meaningfulness  of life, where Frankl believes that all aspects of the meaning of life saving. Meaning of life to be achieved will be realized with the help of spiritual quetion inherent in each individual. Thus, spiritual quetion is contributing to the achievement of the meaningfulness of life, in which role he was able to become the media, control and guidance  for  individuals  in  dynamics  of  life,  so  that  individual under any circumstances while maintaining the quality of human existence as intellectually, emotionally and spiritually so that he able to achieve the meaning of life.
Key words: spiritual quetion, meaning of life
Penulis: Fatma Laili Khoirun Nida
Kode Jurnal: jpbkdd120030

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