Perkembangan dan Pemilihan Karier Menurut Ginzberg dan Implikasinya Terhadap Bimbingan dan Konseling
Abstract: The concept of
career development and selection by Ginzberg grouped into fourt elements:
process, irreversibilitas, compromise and optimization. As for the career
selection process occurs through three periods, namely the period starting
fantasy childhood up to 11 years. Tentative period (early adolescence) at the
age of 11 to 17 years, which consists of several stages, interests, capacities,
values and transitions. Realistic period (mid-teens) at the age of 17 years
to early adulthood, approximately 24 years old. This period consists of several
stages, namely the exploration phase, and the phase crystallization and
specification stage. The power of this theory is that an individual can
gradually make the choice to get a career position. The weakness lies in the
individual's relationship to the phasepassed.
Keyword: Developmental and
career selection by Ginzberg
Penulis: Juliana Batubara
Kode Jurnal: jpbkdd130240