SUDUT PANDANG JURNALIS PEREMPUAN DI PORTAL BERITA (Studi Kasus Jurnalis Perempuan Di Portal Berita Matanews.Com)

Abstract: This study discusses the perspective of women journalists in the political news portals and white-collar crime (white collar crime) This study will also look at whether women journalists have an understanding of journalism with a gender perspective. This study is a qualitative research that use case studies and data collection techniques as strategy through field observations, interviews, and literature. Standpoint theory examines how an individual's life circumstances affect the activities of individuals in understanding and shaping the social world. The beginning to understand the experience is not social conditions, expectations of the role, or the definition of gender, but the specific ways in which individuals form these conditions and their experience in it. The results of the study said that women journalists have an important perspective that considers the awareness and gender sensitivity in her to be able to produce news that defend the interests of women in the news portal But the capitalist ideology is contained in the company's efforts to handcuff them.
Keywords: Jurnalist, Women, Standpoint theory
Penulis: Azwar Nazir
Kode Jurnal: jpkomunikasidd120065

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