WACANA PEMBANGUNAN DI MEDIA MASSA (Analisis Isi Obyektifitas dalam Pemberitaan Jalan Raya di Harian Kompas dan Satelit Pos)

Abstract: This research is a quantitative research which  is aims to get an explanation about development discourse on mass media. In its execution, this research is using content analysis method to gain information about objectivity on highway newsreporting at Kompas dan Satelit Pos daily newspaper. The data are collected by using content analysis applied to Kompas and Satelit Pos news articles publish during Mei 2012. Unit of analysis determined based on Westerstahl objectivity model. Data analysis is conducted by using the table of distribution frequency. The result of this research shows that Kompas and Satelit Pos have has a same tendency of objectivity when they are reporting development theme, especially about highway problems.   
Keywords: development, news reporting, content analysis
Penulis: Dwi Pangastuti M
Kode Jurnal: jpkomunikasidd130100

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