Distribusi Suhu Permukaan pada Musim Peralihan Barat-Timur Terkait dengan Fishing Ground Ikan Pelagis Kecil di Perairan Spermonde

Abstract: Temperature is a very important parameter in the marine environment and affect directly or indirectly to the marine environment.   Oceanographic parameters of temperature is the easiest to learn. Some research shows that fish are very sensitive to temperature changes, although its value is very small (< 0.1oC). Retrieval of field data for 3 (three) months, in April-June 2009, other than that in this study also uses the image data acquisition for 2 year data (October 2007 - June 2009). Location of research in these areas as the center or base (fishing base) of small pelagic fish in the waters of the archipelago Spermonde, District Pangkep especially in areas purse seine fishing gears by fishing. Based on the results of these studies provided information that sea surface temperatures in the transitional seasons of West-East is at a fairly high range of 26o - 33.9oC in April and 27.6o - 33.2oC in May. Arrest conditions that fluctuate in some conditions of temperature and its relationship with sea surface temperature distribution in the archipelagic waters Spermonde showed a tendency of small pelagic fish have the ability to adapt to the temperature range of the measurement results of 28oC – 30oC.  But the trend is catching optimal temperature range 29oC - 30oC.
Keywords: temperature, transitional seasons, fishing ground
Penulis: Abd Rasyid
Kode Jurnal: jpperikanandd100129

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