Hubungan Panjang-Bobot dan Faktor Kondisi Ikan Butana Acanthurus mata (Cuvier, 1829) yang Tertangkap di Sekitar Perairan Pantai Desa Mattiro Deceng, Kabupaten Pangkajene Kepulauan, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan

Abstract: The purpose of this study is to determine length-weight relationship and condition factor of Acanthurus mata sexes caught in coastal waters around the islands of Badi and Pajenekang, Mattiro Deceng Village, District of Liukang Tupabbiring.  The results showed that 154 fish captured consists of 78 females and 76 males.  The results showed that the weight-length relationship on this species is very strong.  Both male and female showed an isometric growth pattern where the growth of the length and the total weight are in the same speed or balance.  The female fish body form was not classified as obese or thin while the body of the male fish less thin than the female.
Keywords: Pattern of growth, condition factor, fish butane (Acanthurus mata)
Penulis: Suwarni
Kode Jurnal: jpperikanandd090109

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