Identifikasi dan Klasifikasi Kawanan Lemuru Selat Bali Berdasarkan Data Hidroakustik dengan Metode Statistik

Abstract: In the field of fishing, statistical method is the method that most often used in identification and classification of fish species. In this study the identification and classification of the lemuru’s shoal of Bali Strait is done based on acoustic descriptors. The results showed that the statistical methods of identification and classification of a shoal of fish can be done with accuracy 98.2%. Fish descriptors that are very involved in this process are the length, height, area, number of items, elongation, the relative altitude, and the average energy density. Morphometric descriptors play a greater role in differentiating groups of shoal of fish.
Key words: identification, classification, statistics, descriptors, lemuru
Penulis: Amir Hamzah Muhiddin
Kode Jurnal: jpperikanandd100132

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