Kajian Kondisi Oseanografi untuk Kelayakan Budidaya Beberapa Spesies Rumput Laut di Perairan Pantai Barat Sulawesi Selatan

Abstract: Seaweeds, one of important commodity in Indonesia, have been widely used for daily needs, either for consumption or for industrial raw material.  Seaweed culture requires environment preference for living in the water.  This study was carried out in the waters of Pangkep Regency for six months, form July to December 2009.  The obtained field data consisted of several physic-chemical oceanography parameters.  These data were then analyzed to evaluate and determine the feasibility of marine waters location for seaweed culture purpose, using scoring test, then followed by score weighing.  The result of the study suggested that the study area was categorized as suitable enough.  In general, the study area can be categorized as suitable area for seaweed culture provided considering certain limiting factors.  There are six seaweed species have not been cultured and they have economic prospects.
Keywords: seaweed, culture feasibility, west coast
Penulis: Ilham Jaya
Kode Jurnal: jpperikanandd090105

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