Kelimpahan dan Distribusi Isis hippuris di Perairan Spermonde, Kota Makassar

Abstract: This study aims to determine the abundance and distribution of Isis hippuris in the Spermonde waters, Makassar City. Abundance of data retrieval used belt transects, the data distribution used transects 100 m x 5 m (2.5 m and 2.5 m left side right side of the transect), whereas to determine the relationship between the size of the colony with the distribution used Correspondence Analysis (CA). The results showed that the abundance of Isis hippuris was found of the highest in the Bonetambung-1 island waters with abundant category, while other islands are generally rare. Isis hippuris only found on the reef slope zone, and most commonly found at a depth of 5-7 m, with 55.97% percentage of the number of colonies. Isis hippuris colony size is dominated by medium-size (30-60 cm) with a percentage of 75.47%, and are found in Samalona-1 and Samalona-2 Island, Barranglompo-1 and Barranglompo-2 Island, Bonetambung-1 and Bonetambung -2 Island, Bonebattang-1 Gusung and Bonebattang-2 Island.
Keywords: Isis hippuris, Abundance and Distribution, Spermonde Makassar
Penulis: Abdul Haris
Kode Jurnal: jpperikanandd100130

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