Pemanfaatan Getah Papaya (Carica papaya L.) Kering Sebagai Sumber Enzim Proteolitik untuk Meningkatkan Derajat Pembuahan dan Derajat Penetasan Telur Ikan Mas (Cyprinus carpio L.)

Abstract: This experiment was conducted to study on the effect of carp,s eggs washing by using    crude papain solution in several concentration on the fertilization  rate and the hatching rate.  There were ten treatments with tree replications  each as the eggs washing by using crude papain solution  in 0 ppm,  0.01  5 second-EC0,   0.1  5 second-EC0,  and  5 second-EC0, and tannin solution  in  500 ppm  that each was combined  with  eggs  rearing in methylene blue solution in 0 ppm or 2 ppm. The experimental result showed that crude of papaya latex   of   the   variety   semangka   paris   has   proteolytic activity as much as 1,068.67 U/g. The optimum   concentration  of  crude   papain   solution   for   five-second washing on the eggs was 22.8191 ppm.  Washing of carp,s for  five seconds by using crude papain solution in   0.2281 ppm, 2.2819 ppm,   and   22.8191 ppm   (the 5 second-EC0)  significantly   increased   the   fertilization rate   from  48.994%    on   the   control   (without   crude   papain,   tannin, or methylene blue) to 49.057%,  49.632%,  and   55.383%,    and   the   hatching  rate from 51.314% on the control  to 51.424%,   52.404%,  and   62.194%  respectively.  On the other hand the treatment significantly lowered   the   percentage   of  S. megasperma-infected   eggs   from   10.403% on the control   to 10.352%,   9.898%,   and   5.359%   respectively.   Effectiveness   of   the   crude  papain solution on  the  fertilization  rate and the hatching rate was lower  compared  with that of  the 500 ppm of tannin’s.
Key words:  dried   papaya   latex,    the proteolytic   enzymes,   mucous layer,  the 5-second  EC0, the  percentage of    S. megasperma-infected eggs, the fertilization rate,  the hatching  rate
Penulis: Ahmad Gufron Mustofa
Kode Jurnal: jpperikanandd090099

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