ABSTRACT: The research was conducted based on the fact that is still to the number of ascription to less impotent it friability and soil tilt to prepare medium growth of crop. The aim of this research was to find out the effect of water content to soil friability and determine correct water content to soil tilt.
The  location  of  the  experiment  was  at  Laboratory  of  Agricultural  Power  and Machinery,  Agricultural  Engineering  Department,  Faculty  of  Agricultural  Technology, Brawijaya  University,  Malang  in  June  –  July  2002.    The  parameter  was  decided  by measuring compression strength of soil on various soil volumes and soil water contents.  This soil sample was taken from Balai Benih Induk Palawija, Bedali, Lawang, Malang Regency.
The result of those experiments indicated that effect of moisture content of soil on strength of soil was significant and there was interaction between soil moisture content and volume of soil aggregate.  The reduction of volume of soil aggregate with decreasing of soil  moisture  content  caused  an  increasing  of  soil  strength.    The  value  of  soil  strength ranged from 7.19 kPa to 166.39 kPa. The friability of Bedali soil was get at the ranged of soil moisture content from 20 % to 26 %, with soil friability index (k): 0.25 0- 0.27.
Keyword: soil friability, soil moisture content, volume of soil aggregate
Penulis: Ruslan Wirosoedarmo
Kode Jurnal: jppertaniandd050022

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