Selektifitas Jaring Insang Ikan Terbang (Exocoetidae) di Perairan Majene Selat Makassar

Abstract: Experimental fishing applied in this research using one unit experiment drift gill net which designed based on construction analyses on fishermen gill net with different mesh sizes (2.54, 3.18, 3.81 and 4.45 cm).  Fishing operation conducted during 18 trips.  The data was analyzed using variance analyses and fishing gear selectivity was analyzed through selectivity curve. Results of this study indicated that 2.54 cm mesh size gave higher fish catch and not significant with 3.18 cm mesh size, but significantly different with 3.81 and 4.45 cm mesh size.  The higher CPUE was in 2.54 cm mesh size.  The 3.18 cm mesh size was the selective gill net with the highest fish catching frequency in the range of 16-17 cm fork length, already above the length at first gonad maturity 15.15 cm fork length.
Keywords: gill net, flying fish, selectivity
Penuis: Mahfud Palo
Kode Jurnal: jpperikanandd090106

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