Analisa Pengaruh Proses Normalizing Terhadap Sifat Mekanik Sambungan Las Pegas Daun Baja Sup9
Abstract: Welding is a
fabrication that joins, by meeting the workpieces and adding afiller material
to form a pool of molten material (the weld pool) that cools to became a strong
joint, with pressure sometimos used inconjunction with heat. Meeting the
workpieces with heat leads to changes in physical and mechanical properties.
The mechanical properties of steel leaf spring SUP9 before welded are: the
arnés value is 424,27 BHN; Tensile strenght is 1213,75 N/mm2, and strain is
16,39 %. Once welded value change to: the harness value is rice up to 597,21
BHN; tensile strength is rise up to 1557 N/mm2, and strain is down to 9,33 %
The changing in physical and mecánica properties of steel leaf springs SUP9 which
influence of welding process can be recovered by heat treatment process of
normalizing which is cooled the room temperatura and in the 100 celsius negrees
sand. The test results of normalizing process which is cooled in the room
temperatura are : The hardness value decreased from 597.21 to 515.6 BHN; The
tensile strength dereased from 1557 N/mm2 to 1307 N/mm2,, and the strain
increased from 9,33 % to 12.07 %. The test result of normalizing process which
is cooled in the 100 degree Celsius sand are : The hardness value decreased
from 597,21 to 503.19 BHN; The tensile strength decreased from 1557 N/mm2 to
1291,37 N/mm2, the strain increased from 9.54 to 13.92 %.The conclusions of
this reseach is the process of normalizing process which is cooled in a. 100 celsius
degree sand give the best result closed to Basic material properties leaf
spring SUP9.
Penulis: Bukhari, Nofriadi,
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd110156