Analisis Tegangan Bervariasi Periodik Pada Struktur Shell Rotary Steam Dryer

Abstract: There was a failure in the inner part of a rotary dryer, more exactly around the weld joint between drum and tube supports due to fatigue failure indicated by the existing of cracks. To prevent or avoid this kind of failure in the future, it is important to analyse this phenomenon in order to find out root of the problem.Through this study the phenomenon of cracking in the rotary dryer learnt.The final goal is to find out the alternative way out in a rotary dryer failure caused by fatigue and  try to give a recommendation in prevention of the problem. Steps in this theses including literature study related with the problem, also the analysis using finite element method (FEM). Load and stress analysis using FEA was run in order to know the performance of the rotary dryer in normal circumstance. Maximum load of  20 tons used with each 30o of rotation checking points where a cycle is 360o. Stress and deformation gotten from the same points then scaled and used as history data in software fatigue calculation. The result of the finite element analysis found that the maximum stress 42,21 MPa was above the fatigue strength of the material, 20 MPa, implied to the life time of the rotary dryer that came shorter (9,3 years of 20 years design). Actually this rotary dryer fail after 8 years. Simulation using 17 tons load gave 15 years of life time.
Keywords: fatigue failure rotary dryer, shell, tube support plates
Penulis: Rino Sukma, Khairul Amri, Maimuzar Maimuzar, M Elfian Hadi
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd110143

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