Rancang Bangun Pemipih Adonan Ubi Kayu Untuk Pembuatan Kerupuk Ø 85 MM Secara Manual Dengan Kapasitas 40 Kg/Jam
Abstract: Appliance tuber mill
of this cassava dough is an appliance designed for tuber mill / milling parsnip
dough for the making of crisply in form of sheet is printed. Appliance tuber
mill of this cassava dough it’s for modestly which is its component of him in the
form of two pipes which can be spaced by him. Appliance tuber mill of this
cassava dough have principle work two turned around pipe manually is contrary
of direction of tuber mill late dough in the middle and shaped the form of
sheet. Thick of dough can be arranged as according to requirement by turning
around thick regulator. Benefit of making of this device is to water down work
of maker of previous crisply wear wood as tuber mill of dough as well as to
increase produce crisply. Because appliance pemipih of this cassava dough is
moved amanually.
Penulis: Safril
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd110157