Rekayasa Alat Kempa Panas (Hot Press) Sistem Penekanan Dongkrak Hidrolik Untuk Pembuatan Papan Komposit
Abstract: Human needs with
wood continues to increase with population, on the other hand Indonesia
shortage of wood supply is very large. One way to overcome this is
tomenyubsitusi use of wood composite board products from waste materials such
as wood or non wood, sawdust, coconut coir fiber, TKS fiber, bamboo fiber,
bagasse and others.Composite board manufacturing technology greatly influenced
by temperature, time and pressure contained in the appliance heat felts, either
the system works manually ormechanically. The use of engine heat felt so far in
some studies are still in the laboratory scale, its use to make composite boards
with a small size that is 30 cm x 30 cm x 1 cm, orsmaller than that size. Use
of heat felts for making composite boards in large scale / commercial is still
there, on the other hand the needs of composite boards by a very
largecommunity. For that need to be designed and manufactured equipment in
large-scale heat felt capable of making a composite board with a size 100 cm x
50 cm x 1 cm.The purpose of this research is to engineer by designing and
making large-scale heat felts tools to be able to make composite boards with a
size 100 cm x 50 cm x 1 cm, performtesting of equipment heat felts and testing
physical and mechanical properties of composite boards. From the results
obtained heat capacity of the tool clamp is theoretically 12 boards per hour.
Higher order 130 cm and 145 cm wide, plate press, and top plate sized 105 cm x
55cm x 1.6 cm, bottom plate measuring 130 cm x 55 cm x 1.6 cm. The number of
heating elements 18 elements, the maximum temperature reached 200 0C, which
used the jacksuppressor 2 pieces with each load of 50 tons. Maximum pressure
that can be done is 30 kg/cm2, thick fibers that can TKS pressed from 20 cm to
1 cm is not reached. EmphasisTKS fiber is only capable of reaching a thickness
of 1.8 cm.
Penulis: Junaidi, Bukhari,
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd110158