Rekayasa Turbin Air Jenis Cross Flow Sebagai Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Mikro Hidro Jorong Lubuk Salasih, Kabupaten Solok

Abstract: Remote rural areas not reached by most of the national electricity network (PLN) is an issue for the construction and development of  rural communities.One of the areas in West Sumatra with the potential to be used as an energy source Micro Hydro Power (PLTMH) is Sungai Mudik Air,Jorong Lubuk Selasih, Kenagarian Batang Barus, Kecamatan Gunung Talang,Kabupaten Solok, in West Sumatra. Design of Hydroelectric Power Machin (Turbines) cross flow consisting of pipes and runner as media-driven water,the movement is transmitted to rotate electric generators. The workings of the turbine water from the dam is like a sedative which will rapidly piped pound runner (cross flow), which can lead lap and lap forwarded to the generator shaft through transmission using V-belts. Turbine efficiency and performance is strongly influenced by the position and angle of the blade (director of water). From the survey results obtained high water fall  (head) of 9.5 m, a discharge 0.1 m3 / s, After calculation of the runner diameter is 300 mm, and a width of 120 mm of water intake, and electrical energy can be generated turbine is at 5 KW and can be result the electricity needs of the residents in the area stretcher. From these data it is designed according to the specifications of the turbine base.
Keywords: Cross flow Turbines , Power Plant
Penulis: Yusri, Roswaldi, Munafri, Asmed
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd110150

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