Simulasi Pemanfaatan Panas Buang Chiller Untuk Kebutuhan Air Panas Di Perhotelan
Abstract: The simulations have
been carried out for utilization of waste heat recovery from chiller 30RB60
type in hot water needs in hotel. Waste heat recovery from condenser with a
capacity of 167 kW is used to heat up 2,500 L volume of water. Based on the
simulation results obtained that the average energy can be used for preheating
the water was 383,901.221 kJ, to increase the water temperature from 20 o C to
56 o C in 67 minutes, for continually use of chiller. Utilization of waste heat
recovery can reduces the use of electric bill until 90%. At the peak time’s
utilization of hot water, the simulation result shows that for water
consumption up to 400 L in 15 minutes, or 1,600 L/h, the w ater temperature
still kept warm until 4oC.
Penulis: Rahmat Iman Mainil,
Afdhal Kurniawan Mainil
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd110147