Abstract: The  aim of this  research is to  study the making of  globular microstructure by the SIMA  (strain-induced  melt  activation)  method  for  semisolid  forming  materials. Semisolid  forming  is  a  metal  working  process  done  in  the  mixture  of  liquid  and solid phase. SIMA is a method used in semisolid forming process to obtain globular structured  metal  by  deforming  the  dendritic  -  structured  metal  in  the  room temperature  and  then  heat  it  above  the  solidus temperature.  In  this  research,  the variations used are rolling percentage of specimen and the type of mold. Material used in this research is from car velg, which is Al-6%Si hypoeutectic Al alloy. The globular microstructure is obtained by heating the Al-Si specimens which is  plastically  deformated  oin  cold  rolling.  The  heating  temperature  is  5900C (between TS  and TL) then quenched in the water. To measure the diameter and the roundness of the grain, the image analyst software is used.
The result shows that the globular microstructure begins to appear when the rolling strain reach 6%, for the casting from both metal and sand  mould. The larger the plastic deformation given to the specimen, the higher the shape factor and the finer the grain obtained.
Keywords: SIMA, Globular, Semisolid Forming
Penulis: Bambang Kusharjanta, Eko Surojo, Hengky Yuliawan Putra
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd090036

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