Tingkat Kebisingan Dan Pengaruhnya Terhadap Mahasiswa Dibengkel Teknik Mesin Poiteknik Negeri Padang

Abstract: The level noise of polytechnic workshop machine and its influence to student have been studied. Appliance  of sound level meter and of questioner used in examination with analyzing  data of unvaried by using analyzer method of editing , coding, and entry of cleaning. Result of research show noise intensity have exceeded value float boundary that is 88 db (A) as well as have exceeded standard quality of noise level for environment  school that is 55 db  (A). Referring to that, it has been made a comprehensive controlling operation of noise program that is hearing conservation program. Pursuant to result of research, the noises have the character such as caused physiological trouble, physiological, hearing trouble and less concentration in executing practice. Other disturbances are hearing trouble that caused the students must be screaming each other in communication.
Keyworks: Enviromental Noise Pollution, Safety Health and Enviromental Protection
Penulis: Feidihal
Kode Jurnal: jptmesindd070011

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