Pembuatan Website E-Learning untuk Meningkatkan Kualitas Pembelajaran di SMK Hamong Putera II Pakem

ABSTRACT: Use of the website in the world of education is an example of e-learning is often called Web Based Training (WBT).  Utilization of these websites have the time efficiency and speed of delivery of the desired information. So SMK Putera Hamong use website as a means of improving the quality of the school.
E-learning website in SMK Putera II Pakem Hamong It contains about all the information relating to the school. Websites can be used to upload and download materials. In addition the website can be  used for working online test. Online test consists of three subjects, namely Mathematics, Indonesian, and English. Each progress test online, students can see the ultimate value of these test results. In the e-learning system only Hamong SMK Putera  II Pakem processing  facility that can utilize an online test. This is because NIS is used to login the system.
Making a website using Adobe Dreamweaver as the editor of design and coding. Adobe Photoshop is used to edit images, create a header that is used as a complement to view website. MySQL used as database system. Apache is used as a web server. While the Web browser used to display the website.
Keywords: smk hamong putera, smk hp  pakem, web e-learning, online test, informatic technology
Penulis: Subektiningsih, Joni Kiskandar, Armadyah Amborowati
Kode Jurnal: jptinformatikadd090034

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