Analisa dan Perancangan Sistem Informasi Geografis dan Manajemen Aset PT. X
Abstrak: The third millennium
is marked by rapid advancement of technological development is very fast in all
areas, therefore people in this world began working to create new innovations
in order to support its activities a day - which in recent hari.Teknologi developing
very rapidly and become a worldwide concern is the development of Information
Technology (IT) which is a combination of Computer Technology and Communication
Technology.With this technology, more and more organizations or companies who
started to use and exploit information technology to conduct its business as it
is more effective and efficient than the magnitude of the costs if done
manually. Transitional or developing an existing system, expected to occur
perubahanataupeningkatan so the results are more optimal performance because
the error rate would be reduced drastically.Planning a systematic and mature
from an activity is a basic characteristic of modern industry, because
basically effective planning of materials, machinery, and money will be towards
the acquisition of profit is so important in a company. Along with the
development of an enterprise is to face the above mentioned factors should be
considered a material planning system that can support the production of all
production activities as one step in the process of decision making. PT X is an
object that is taken because it is considered as one business unitwho always
want improvement and progress in his ministry and his own business. Along with
the development of technology, many problems that occur relating to the
implementation of asset management systems in PT. X.
Penulis: Marcello Singadji,
Tiolina Evi
Kode Jurnal: jptkomputerdd130207