Abstract:  Hypertension is  a situation  where  happened  the  make-up  of blood pressure  above  normal  with  sistolik  more  than  or  equal  to  140  diastolik  and mmHg  more  or  equal  to  90  mmHg.  Hypertension  represent  one  of  the  most having  an  effect  on  risk  factor  to  cause  kardiovaskuler  disease.  Hypertension cause  divided to  become  2 faction that is esensial hypertension orprimary  and sekunder  hypertension.  This  research  aim  to  to  know  factorsthat  influencing hypertension  at  patient  in  disease  Cilegon  Hospital.  This  research  were  using descriptive cross sectional method. Sampel in this researchare 100 people that is representing  hypertension  patient  which  is  medicinizeing  road;street  in  disease polyclinic  in  Cilegon  Hospital.  Result  of  research  obtained  that  most  (87%) responder have age more than 40 year, ( 68%) responder have men gender to,(73%)  history  responder  smoke,  (88%)  responder  have  malnutrisi  category,  (93%) responder  consume  high  salt,  (61%)  responder  consume  high  fat,  (82%) responder  do  not  exercise,  (82%)  responder  have  other   disease,  (78%) responder suffer hypertension more than 5 year. Result of bivariat analysis there are  relation  beetwen  age,  gender,  history  smoke,  nutrisi  status,  high  salt consumption,  high  fat  consumption,  athletics,  and  other  disease  with hypertension.
Keyword: Hypertension
Penulis: Fathiyah, Indah Wulandari
Kode JurnalL: jpkeperawatandd130131

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