Abstract: Some diseases are
caused largely influenced by lifestyles are less healthy individuals
such as stress,
excessive workload, eating habits
/ unhealthy drinking, smoking, lack of personal hygine and others that
may increase the risk of infectious disease a non-communicable diseasessuch as hypertension, diabetes
mellitus, and heart
failure hiperkolesterolnemia. Often death
occurs even not
from the primary
disease but rather caused
by complications such as kidney failure . The kidneys are organs that
vital as the volume and chemical
composition of blood,
if the two
kidneys for some reason
fails to perform
its functions it
will have serious
consequences for patients. The
goal in this
research would like
to get an
overview of the factors related to the occurrence of
chronic kidney disease in southern Borneo.
Research is a
descriptive, cross-sectional design
with using the Ex
Post Facto. This study
uses a place
in space Hemodialysis
and space Inpatient Hospital Medicine Ulin Banjarmasin.
Independent variables (independent) is heriditer factors , socio- cultural
factors, factors environmental andclinical factors. While the dependent
variable ( tied ) is a chronic renal failure. Data was analyzed by descriptive
and analytical. Univariate data using frequency distribution tables while the
data is bivariate using Chi Square and analyzed using SPSS computational
techniques for Windows. The research found that the rate
of chronic renal
failure category suffered
by respondents in
South Kalimantan is largely Failed Terminal kidney with the largest
percentage of 61.32 % . Of the four factors examined the results of the study
showed that there is no relationship significant but of the four factors that
appear there are two factors that have a tendency as a factor that can lead to
Chronic kidney disease is heriditer
factors and environmental
factors. factor heriditer
had 2.04 times the odds for terminal kidney failure as compared with
respondents who did not support the heriditer factor while environmental
factors had 1.46 times the odds for terminal kidney failure compared to those
environmental factors that do not support.
Penulis: Marwansyah
Kode Jurnal: jpkeperawatandd130134