Abstract: The parity is amount of
pregnancy wich ended by the birth of fetus who fulfill the requirenment to
survive. Abortion is a kind of of
dismissal as the result of contraception on pregnancy that less than 20
weeks or fetus weight is less than 500 grams. There are some general
characteristics wich can be identified that is able to influence the abortion,
they are age, parity and education status. Parity is one of
causing the abortion happens
on pregnant mother
especially primipara. The purpose
of this research
is to know
the correlation between
parity and abortion on
pregnant mother at
Gurah district, Kediri Regency in
2010. In this research, the research design used is analytical correlative, the
respondent chosen by
using purposive sampling
tecnique is 55 people. The data
analysis is using editing, coding, scoring and tabulating. The result of
research got the parity on pregnant mother is about toall of them, that 43
people (78,1%) are Primipara, abortion on pregnant mother is about to all o them
(47,3%) or 26 people, and based on sperman correlation test, it is gotten the data
from 2-tailed significance value is 0,0013 so ρ <0,05 mean that (α ) HO is refused
and H1 is accepted. It is proven that there is correlation between parity and
abortion on pregnant mother at SITI KHOTIDJAH hospital Gurah district, Kediri
Regency in 2010. The correlation degree is categorized enough because it is
gotten the coefficint correlation value is 0,032. Based on the result of
research hoped that Medical staff
can do the illumination
and controlling on fertile age couple and pregnanr mother and also the
information correlated with abortion.
Penulis: Sri Haryuni
Kode JurnalL: jpkeperawatandd130131