Abstract: Maternal age and
parity greatly affect the duration of second stage (the process of spending a
baby). At maternal age with having high risk (<20 years and> 35 years) and primigravidae
have parity or grande multiparous be at risk of
second stage of
labor lama.Purpose of this
study was to
determine the relationship between
maternal age and
maternal parity with
the length of timen Aminah RSIA
II in Blitar
City in 2010. Design
of studies using
correlational analytic design. The variables of this study are age,
maternal parity and duration of the second stage of labor. Respondents totaled
248 respondents taken with a purposive sampling technique. Data collection
instrument using the check list is taken from the maternal medical records in
RSIA Aminah Blitar City in 2010, and then analyzed using sperman's correlation
test and are presented in the form of frequency distributions
and cross tabulation.Based on
the results of
research obtained data that
the age is
at most birth
mothers with a
low risk age
group there are 161 respondents (64.9%), the parity data is at most
primigravidae there are 158 respondents (63.7%) and who suffered second stage
of labor normal is 106 respondents (42.7%). Spearman rank test results show the
value of p = 0.000 significance
level ( ) =
0.01, then Ho
is rejected means
that there is a relationship
between old age with stage II and spearman rank test results showthe value of p = 0.000
significance level ( ) = 0, 01 then Ho is rejected means that there
is a relationship
between parity with
the length of second
stage. Pregnant mothers are expected to pay more attention to plan
pregnanciesby age and number of
children, so that
no problems will occur
in the second stage
of labor.
Keyword: Age Mother birth,
parity, duration of Kala II
Penulis: Rahmah K,D
Kode JurnalL: jpkeperawatandd130131