Hubungan Status Gizi dengan Tingkat Perkembangan Usia Toddler (12-36 Bulan) di Kelurahan Sanur Wilayah Kerja Puskesmas II Denpasar Selatan
Abstract: Picture of the
fulfillment of human nutrition can be seen from the nutritional status.
Nutritional problems are a frequent health problems facing by society. Toddler age children belonging to the vulnerable groups of nutrients.Toddler age
children developmental level
is optimal depends
on the nutritional quality and quantity of a good
and balanced. Nutrition in ages toddler children can not always be implemented
perfectly. Lack of nutrition at a young age will affect the development
of brain cells,
resulting in a
children ability to
absorb the information to
the learning process
would be less
than optimal so
that it will disrupt
the development of
intelligence. This study
aims to determine
the relationship between nutritional status with the progression of age
Toddler (12-36 months) of Sanur
Village in working
area of Health
Center II South
Denpasar. This type of
descriptive correlation study
using cross-sectional design.
The sampling technique is simple random sampling with a sample of 111
respondents. Test statistic using
the Spearman Rank
test. Results showed
most respondents have a good
nutritional status of the 91 people (82,0%), malnutrition as many as 11 people
(9,9%), nutrient over as many as 8
people (7,2%) and poor nutrition as much
as 1 person
(0,9%). Respondents also
have the most
appropriate level of development of
as many as 89 people
(80,2%), doubtful as many as
14 people (12,6%) and the
deviation of 8 people (7,2%). Based on
the obtained Spearman Rank test p value 0,000 <0,05 then Ho is rejected it means there is a relationship between
nutritional status with the progression of age Toddler (12-36 months) of Sanur Village in the working area of Health Center II South Denpasar. Based on the results
of these studies
is recommended for
healthcare workers to
be more active in
providing health education,
especially about the
Toddler ages development and
facilitate in providing referrals to children with nutritional status and
level of development is problematic to
the hospital with a referral facility for the development of the child.
Penulis: Pradnya Paramitha
Dewi, Ni Nyoman, Ns. I Nyoman Ribek, S.Pd., S.Kep., M.Pd, Ns. Made Sumarni,
Kode Jurnal: jpkeperawatandd130114