ABSTRACT: E-commerce is
currently widely used by companies to offer and provide information that can be
in the form of products or services
to quickly and
accurately. In addition to
quick and accurate,
the information which stored
in database must
can be accessed
anywhere and anytime. With the
growth development of technology, the database
can be accessed
through mobile devices
such as devices with Android operating system via Internet. In accessing
the database from another device via Internet needed an
interface or bridge
that can be
used and accessed by
a wide variety
of programming languages. Bridge or
a interface is
called a web service.
With the existence of
these technologies, e-commerce
can be evolved into
mobile e-commerce. Therefore 2 applications are
made to support
e-commerce which is web
application and mobile
application. Both applications show
the products in
accordance with the database of the company.
Penulis: Grimaldi Suryadi,
Lely Hiryanto, Bobby Tumbelaka
Kode Jurnal: jptkomputerdd130153