Laporan Kasus: Tatalaksana Anestesi Penyakit Hirschsprung dengan Sindrom Aspirasi Mekoneum dan Pneumomediastinum pada Neonatus

ABSTRACT: We report one female newborn baby suffered from moderate asphyxia, meconium aspiration syndrome, and Hirschsprung  disease.  The  patient  admitted  in  Neonatal  Intensive  Care  Unit  (NICU)  and  ventilated  with Pressure Controlled Mandatory Ventilation (PCMV) mode ventilator. Patient suffered from pneumodiastinum and therefore mediastinotomy was performed. Sepsis and Necrotizing Enterocolitis (NEC) made the case more  complicated.  On  further  examination,  abdominal  was  distended  and  perforated  and  therefore  we decided  to  perform  exploration  laparatomy  and  sigmoidoctomy.  Anaesthesia  management  with  general anaesthesia  had  been  performed.  Premedication  was  not  given.  We  used  oxygen  and  Sevofluran  for induction; Oxygen, Sevofluran, Atracurium, Fentanyl, and Morphin for maintenance; and Morphin for post operative analgesic. On follow up examination, we found wound disruption and therefore relaparotomy was performed. Types and doses of anesthesia drugs were chosen according to newborn immature organ noticely. Providing adequate oxygenation, preventing hypotermi, and balancing electrolytes and acid base states still be the most considerations in management of this patient. Anesthetic management and intensive care of this patient gained a satisfying outcome. The prognosis was good.
Keywords: Hirschsprung disease, meconium aspiration syndrome, pneumomediastinum, sepsis, NEC
Penulis: Karmini Yupono, Ruddi Hartono
Kode Jurnal: jpkedokterandd090150

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