Pengembangan Aplikasi Workgroup untuk Berbagi Ide dan Diskusi di Fakultas Teknik UNDIP
Abstract: Nowadays, information
technology is used
to support many kinds
of organization activities.
In education organization, such
as Engineering Faculty
of Diponegoro University, one
of many activities
that needs to be
supported by application
is about to
share idea and discussion between people
who collaborates in
there. To support this kind of
activity, web based application is one solution that can be build considering
of the raise of Web 2.0 technology which enable people to interact each other and shares
many kind of
digital resources. Developed using CodeIgniter
Framework, this application
will also support sending
broadcast information via
email and short message
service (SMS). In
this paper, this application is mentioned as workgroup
Penulis: Kodrat Iman Satoto,
Rinta Kridalukmana
Kode Jurnal: jptkomputerdd130142