Rancang Bangun Aplikasi Sistem Pakar Untuk Menentukan Penyakit Pada Tanaman Kedelai
Abstrak: The cause of low
yield of soybean in Indonesia, among others is a disease. To find out what
disease that attacks soybean crops needed an expert in the field of
agriculture. Disease that often impairs the soybean plant is rust. In addition
to lowering the yield, rust disease also potentially lower the quality of
soybean seeds. In addition to these there are many more diseases that are
present in the soy plant. Expert system for soybean disease defines is one
alternative to detect disease of soybean. The method used is rule based system
and forward chaining method. The system will be made to provide an unbiased
decision about the type of disease affecting soybean and handling. Web based
system is built in order to spread information more accessible. Result of the
application that have been tested by three expert crops by conducting interview
and application testing performed eight times on each trial expert. Based on
test result obtained from 24 experiments by expert is 22 times the experiment
successfully identified soybean disease and two trials did not identify soybean
disease. The trial result concluded the expert system can determine soybean
disease based on symptoms in plant soybean.
Penulis: Wirandha Ryan
Pratama, Jusak Jusak, Pantjawati Sudarmaningtyas
Kode Jurnal: jptkomputerdd130185