Sistem Interkoneksi Data Antar Unit Guna Mendukung Keberhasilan Akreditasi Program Studi Pada Fakultas Teknik UNS

Abstract: The  research  was  carried  out  in  order  to  build  a  web­based  computer  application  systems  to  support  the  smooth  process of accreditation of study programs by  BAN PT at the Faculty of Engineering, Sebelas  Maret University of Surakarta.It is planned to build a system that support the  accreditation  process  of  study  programs,  particularly  in  preparation  of  Borang  Akreditasi.  The  system  was  built  for  the  purpose of a database system to accommodate  the extraction data from administrative units  in  the  Faculty  of  Engineering,  University  Sebelas  Maret  Surakarta.  Development  of  systems and applications is done using open­source software Linux­Ubuntu Server operating  system, the MySQL database server, and PHP  as programming language.
The end result of this engineering­research is  developed  a  system  that  can  support  the  implementation  of  the  accreditation  in  the  Faculty  of  Engineering  Universitas  Sebelas  Maret Surakarta.
Keywords:  database,  application,  web,  accreditation
Penulis: Purwadi Joko Widodo, Setiono, Kuncoro Diharjo, Sofa Marwoto
Kode Jurnal: jptkomputerdd130137

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