ABSTRACT: Distributed  Systems  for  Course  Management  System is a system designed using the System Development Life Cycle  (SDLC)  method  in  order  to  help  activities  that related to teaching and learning activities in the Faculty of  Information  Technology  Tarumanagara  University. Inside  the  program,  there  are  several  modules,  such  as student  attendance  module,  online  quiz  module,  and lecture materials processing module. Student attendance module is used to record student attendance, and display it  in  a  report.  Course  materials  processing  module  is used  to  process  lecture  materials  so  later  they  can  be used as a place to share course materials. Based on the test  results,  the  modules  in  the  program  has  gone  very well  and    can  be  accepted  by  the  faculty.  Student attendance  module  and  the  student  attendance  report  is able to help faculty and staff departments to record and view  student  attendance  at  every  teaching  and  learning activities.
Key Words: Faculty  of  Information  Technology  Tarumanagara University,  Course  Management  System,  Students  Attendance, Online Quiz, Course Materials Processing
Penulis: Farenco, Lely Hiryanto, Bagus Mulyawan
Kode Jurnal: jptkomputerdd130141

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