ABSTRACT: Logistics  Management  is  a  series  of  activities  which  consists  of  all  aspects  of  planning, procurement, storage and distribution of drugs which manage optimally to ensure the achievement of number  and  types,  as  well  as  the  accuracy  of  pharmaceuticals  and  medical  devices,  by  utilizing available  resources  such  as  manpower,  funds,  facilities,  and  soft  skill  (methods  and  standard  of procedure) in order to achieve the goals set at the various levels of working unit. The objectives of this study is to analyze the drug management process that includes  planning,  procurement, storage, and distribution in Kampala Health Center of East Sinjai sub-district of Sinjai Regency in 2011. The type of this  research  was  descriptive  qualitative  researchapproach.  Informants  determined  by  purposive sampling  technique  as  much  as  5  informants.  Data  collection  were  collected  by  in-depthinterview  techniques    (in-depth  interviews)    and    direct  observation  in  Kampala  Health  Center  of  East  Sinjai Sub-District  of  Sinjai  Regency.  Data  analysis  processed  in  the  manual  process  to  classified  the results in accordance with the purpose of research. The results of the drug management showed that all the procedures  such as planning, procurement,  and the distribution had followed the standard of good management, however the storage of the drug didn’t follow the standard of the good ware house.  From  these  results,  it  is  recommended  to  the  implementation  of  the  drug  management  in. Kampala Health Center of East Sinjai Sub-District of Sinjai Regency should refer to the guidelines of logistic management at health center.
Keyword: Logistic Management, Medicine, Health Center
Penulis: Mangindara, Darmawansyah, Nurhayani, Balqis
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd120148

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