Analisis Skala Ekonomi Pelayanan Klinik Spesialis

ABSTRACT: Specialist clinic was one of product provided by PHC hospitals Surabaya. During 2006 to 2011 was found decreased growth of the patient visit and revenue. Design of the study was a cross sectional and the study was an observational research. The purpose of the research was to analyze the economic of scale the specialist clinics. The study conducted in April-July 2012. The comparison between cost and quantities of production was used to calculate the average cost. The Long Run Average Cost (LRAC) used for determinant. LRAC range between -5% trough 5% will be called as economies. Returns to scale also calculated. Cardiology, internal medicine, dentist, surgery and psychiatry were the clinis with diseconomies, decreasing returns, low use of space and high use of services, we recomended to add new doctor or additional hours of service. Obstetric and gynecology, ophthalmology, ENT and pediatric were clinics with diseconomies, decreasing returns, high use of service and ideal use of space require the new facilities provision. Dermatology in diseconomies and neurology in economies had increasing returns, need efforts to increase the patient visit. Pulmonology with economies, decreasing returns, low service utilization and low use of space need to increase the efficiency.
Keywords: specialist clinics, costs of production, economies of scale
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd120033

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