Abstract: Adequate of food availability and food safety are rights for every citizen. State shall ensure that the food availability and food consumed is safety by the public. The state’s obligation to fulfill the right of food and to protect citizens from the threat of food security conducted in various forms such as food regulation and strengthening regulatory oversight on the entire food chain from production, storage, transport to the circulation. During this time, the role of the state in protecting its citizens from the threat of food security particularly less effective. There are three indications to show the ineffectiveness of these, which are: 1) the number of hazardous chemicals in the community, such as formaldehyde, that are used as Food Additive, 2) the number of unsafe food products consumption is circulating widely in the community, and 3) the number of irregularities that are not handled by the state apparatus. Ineffective role of the state is due to the problems and challenges that must be overcome include 1) the extent of the work areas to be addressed, 2) resources limitation, 3) operational strategy limitation, and 4) leadership and enforcement issues. The solutions of these problems and challenges are : 1) problem solving of main food problem, 2) enforcement, 3) building partnerships, and 4) develop prevention strat-egies.
Key words: the state role, food regulation, food safety, food security
Penulis: Eni Purwani
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd100032

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