Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Preeklampsia Pada Kehamilan Di RSU. Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara Medan Tahun 2011-2012
Abstract: Preeclampsia is an
illness marked with existing hypertension, proteinuria and edema as emerged
long as inception or up to 48 hours post partum. This disorder shall take place
on tri-semester III in inception. Preeclampsia is constitute one of causes to
death of maternal in pregnancy beside blooding and infection.
This study adopted an analytical descriptive method with a case control
study which research aimed to determine factors correlating with the
preeclampsia in Muhammadiyah Sumatera Utara general hospital for 2011-2012. The
sample in case group are the pregnant maternal that has been diagnosed
preeclampsia noted on medical record file and the sample on control group are
those maternal in pregnancy that not be diagnosed with preeclampsia noted on
medical record file.
From the result of analysis with chi-square test has been obtained
variable correlating with preeclampsia such as age (p=0.015), inception age
(p-0.001), and variable not correlated such as Bad Obstetric History (BOH)
(p=0.623), parity (p=0.076). From the result of analysis with multivariant the most
dominant variable is inception age.
The pregnant maternal is encouraged to have examination regularly to the
public health service aimed to detect early the condition of his health in
order to prevent any preeclampsia and to those paramedical is highly
recommended provide counseling to those pregnant maternal to enrich their
knowledge about preeclampsia disorder so that the mortality on maternal and
mortality upon babies shall decrease down.
Penulis: afni sucita resmi,
Asfriyati ,MKes, Ria Masniari Lubis
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd130211