Hubungan serum seng dengan jumlah CD4 pada lansia di Panti Jompo

ABSTRACT:  Elderly  people  tend  to  have  higher  susceptibility  to  infections  because  of  immune  dysfunction, especially cell-mediated immune system which is related to zinc deficiency. Zinc has an important role in the cellmediated immune system which can be determined by CD4 count.
Objectives: To determine the zinc level in the serum and CD4 count in healthy elderly and the correlation between the zinc level in the serum and CD4 count.
Method: This was a  randomized cross-sectional study.  Twenty seven healthy elderly subjects of both sexes aged 60-90  years  were  recruited  for  this  study  from  a  senior  center.  Zinc  level  in  the  serum  and  CD4  count  were measured.
Result: The average of CD4 count was 710 +  269 cells/ml, and the average of zinc level in the serum was 87,29 + 10,27 μg/dL. Twenty six percent elderly had low CD4 count (<460cells/ml. There was no zinc deficiency among the elderly but 30% elderly had zinc level 70- 80 μg/dL. There was a significant correlation (p<0,05) between zinc level and CD4 count, which was analyzed using Pearson correlation method.
Conclusion: CD4 count has correlation with zinc level in the serum in elderly
Keywords:  Zinc level, CD4 count, elderly
Penulis: Maria Widijanti Sugeng, Merryana Adriani, Bambang Wirjatmadi
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd130252

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