Abstract: Sanitation  Hygiene  InThe  Special  Hospital  Of  Lung  Treatment  At  Medan  North Sumatera Province  in  2012. BP4 Medan is one of the special hospitals of community health  service  unit  owned    by  the  government  of  North  Sumatera  for  health  treatment and special treatment of lung such as tuberculosis. As one special hospital, BP4 Medan should  fulfill  the  criteria  of  sanitation  hygiene  including  health  officers  and  its environmental.  Other  parameters  determining  the  quality  of  the  hospital  are  such  as humidity  degree,  lighting  and  noisy.  Tuberculosis  is  a  malignant  disease  and  can spread for other people caused by any contact with health officers or its environmental based  on  Health  Ministry  Rule  the  Republic  of  Indonesia  of  2004  concerning  with sanitation hygiene. The objective of this research was to descript of sanitation hygiene at BP4 Medan especially those health officers and the facilities of health environmental (sanitation) whether it fulfilled health requirement or Health Ministry Rule the Republic of Indonesia of Permenkes No. 1204/2004. The method used was descriptive  describing  the application of hygiene among health officers and  environmental’s facilities at BP4 Medan.  The  findings  showed  that  not  all  hygiene  of  health  officers  at  BP4  Medan fulfilled  health  requirement  in  accordance  with  the  principle  of  sanitation  hygiene applied in hospital such as BP4 Medan such as without masker during working, without gloves,  talking at  working,  without  washing hand  before and after  caring  the patients, eating  and  drinking  in  hospital  room.  For  environmental    health  which  did  not  fulfill health requirements were such as solid and liquid management, toilet and over capacity bathroom,  laundry  as  well  as  other  intruder  animals  entering  the  environmental.In creating  good  sanitation  hygiene  and  environmental,  it  is  suggested  for  head  of    BP4 Medan  to  improve  the  facilities  of  sanitation  and  give  the  training  related  to  the principles of sanitation health for health officers at BP4 Medan.
Key words: Hygiene, Sanitation, BP4 Medan
Penulis: Jenny Siswi Delima Sipahutar, Taufik Ashar dan Surya Dharma
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd120168

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