Karakteristik Ibu dan Bayi Berat Lahir Rendah (BBLR) di RSU Sundari Medan Tahun 2012
Abstract: Infants with Low
Birth Weight (LBW) are infants which borned with a birth weight under 2500
grams. According to WHO estimated, more than 20 million infants in the world
(15,5% from newborn infants in the world) every years borned with LBW and
influenced about 16% LBW in developing countries. Datas of General Hospital
Sundari Medan in 2012, there are 188 cases of LBW (8,6%) from 2170 birth.
To know the characteristics of mothers and infants with LBW in General
Hospital Sundari Medan in 2012,it is conducted a descriptive research by case
series design.Population and sample totaled as 188 people.Data’s been analyzed
by using Chi-Square test, t-independent and Anova test.
From the results, it was obtained that proportion of mothers with LBW
infants based on sociodemographic, medical risk factors and patient records
aged 20-35 years 79,8%, Islam 84%, housewives 54,3%, first pregnancy 52,7%,
gestational age 37-42 weeks 54,8%, spacing pregnancy < 2 years 55,1%,
hemoglobin concentration ≥11 gr% 35,6%, good pregnancy history 67%, no
complication of pregnancy 66%, patient comes itself 88,3%. Proportion of
infants with LBW based on 1500-<2500 grams 76,6%, no complication of LBW
85,6% . Mothers treatment on average 2,3 days, infants treatment of average 2,4
days, mothers circumstances when to go home healthy 83%, infants circumstances
when to go home healthy 50,5%.
There is no significant differences between spacing pregnancy (p=
0,614),hemoglobin concentration (p= 0,399), infants treatment of average based
on complication of LBW (p= 0,878), mothers treatment on average based on
circumstances when to go home (p= 0,377), infants treatment of average based on
circumstances when to go home (p = 0,421). There is significant differences
between mothers aged based on classification of LBW (X2= 9,873; p=0,007),
parity based on classification of LBW (X2= 10,009; p= 0,002), gestational age
based on classification of LBW (X2= 10,033; p=0,007), pregnancy history based
on classification of LBW (X2= 14,770; p=0,000).
The hospital is expected to complete the recording of status card
especially hemoglobin concentration as well as the recording of antenatal care
to know preganancy history. The hospital must increase quality of life for the
infants and for the health department to give an information of nutrient for
pregnancy women and ideal spacing pregnancy.
Penulis: Fathia Amanda,
Rasmaliah ,MKes, Taufik Ashar
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd130212