Abstract: Menstruation starts
in puberty period and usually between 10 to 16 years old, depends on various
factors including health and nutritional status. Menstruation is usually
accompanied by the existence of menstruation pain in bone (dysmenorrheal). The
psychological factors influencing inci-dence of dysmenorrheal are anxiety and
stress. Women need explanation about the symptoms of menstruation so they will
feel more comfortable since they are already understand the symptoms. The aim
of this research was to know the influence of health education through leaflet
and without leaflet to female students’ knowledge of dysmenorrheal in SMP
Negeri 02 Kayen and MTS As-Syafi’iyah. The research applied pre-test and
post-test experimental method with control design. Population of this research
was all first-grade-female students of SMP Negeri 02 Kayen Pati and Madrasah
Tsanawiyah AS-Syafi’iyah. The respondents of the research were 30 students from
each school. Data were ana-lyzed by t-test. The result of the research showed
that the knowledge of dysmenorrheal in both groups before health education was
sufficient, (2) the knowledgse of dysmenorrheal before health education in group
which were given health education through leaflet were good while in group
which were given health education without using leaflet were good and enough,
and (3) there was an influence of health education to knowledge of
dysmenorrheal in first-grade-female students of SMP Negeri 02 Kayen Pati and
Madrasah Tsanawiyah AS-Syafi’iyah.
Penulis: Tantri Heriani dan
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd100044