Abstract: Quality of human resources (HR) lndonesia relatively low. Stages of the school age period will determine the quality of human resources, but consumption of the population of school children in Indonesia who consume energy and protein below the minimum requirement is quite high. Sakko-Sakko as traditional snacks that have been identified can be alternative PMT-AS but nothing the main source of protein in the ingredients, soy contains an average of 35% protein can be substituted in sakko-sakko. This study aims to analyze the effect of substitution of soy flour on-sakko sakko of preference and delight quality panelists and the nutritional content of sakko-sakko received by the panelists. This type of study is experiment with Single Blind Trial Community design. This type of substitution treatment in the form of soy flour concentration of 0%, 10%, 20%, and 30% into the sakko-sakko. From each group tested the preference of the color, flavor, aroma and texture to the semi-trained panelists, namely students and consumer panelists are primary school children to determine the concentration of soy flour is most preferred. Data analysis was performed using Kruskall-Wallis test. The results showed that 10% soy flour substitution on-sakko sakko provide a good level of preference in both the panelists and the contribution of energy content, carbohydrate, protein, fat, fiber and beta-carotene are sufficient and qualified PMT-AS, which is 467.4 kcal,74.9685%, 9.085%, 14.5782%, 5.18%, and 627 ppm. The study recommends that substitute soy flour to other traditional foods is likely to be tried not only in the manufacturing of sakko sakko but also other traditional snacks.In addition to the socialization of a broad range of integrated and advanced research.
Keywords:sakko-sakko, soy flour, preference, nutrition
Penulis: Yusmaindah Jayadi
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd120161

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