Penurunan Tingkat Kecemasan Anak Rawat Inap dengan Permainan Hospital Story di RSUD Kraton Pekalongan

Abstract:  Sick  and  hospitalisation  were  stressors  that  could  caused  anxiety  of child. One of treatment to reduce the anxiety of child was play therapy, especially hospital story, i.e., told story to child used pictured book about hospital schedules and  its  routinities,  care  givers,  and  answered  child’s  questions  about  hospital. This study was animed to know the effect of hospital story toward anxiety of the 6-8  years  old  child.  This  study  experimental  quasi.  A  questionnaire  was  used  to collect  the  data.  The  sample  taken  with  purposive  sampling  approach.  Wilcoxon statistic  analysis  was  used  to  know  the  effect  of  hospital  story  toward  anxiety  of the 6-8 years oldd child. The result of Wilcoxon statistic analysis got Z scores was – 4,596 and p-value was 0,000 (p<0,05); it could be concluded that hospital story  had a significant effect toward anxiety of the 6-8 years old child. 
Keyword: anxiety, child, hospital story
Penulis: Yuni Sandra Pratiwi
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd120134

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