Risiko Kecacatan pada Ketidakteraturan Berobat Penderita Kusta di Kabupaten Pamekasan Provinsi Jawa Timur

ABSTRACT: Leprosy is still a major public health problem particularly in Indonesia. It caused not only medical, but also social, economical, cultural, and even political factors. Disability caused by leprosy may infl uence patient’s personality and reduce their self- confi dence. It will infl ict medication or healing process, thus it can increase the risk of disability. The objectives of this study are to analyze the risk of disability among leprosy patients in Pamekasan District, East Java province. This is a case control design. Data was collected using questionnaire and medical record of Multiple Drug treatment (MDT). Twenty fi ve (25) leprosy patients with disabilities were taken as case group, while the unmatched control were 25 leprosy patients without disabilities. The independent variables consist of the type of leprosy, regularity of medication, age, sex, education level, knowledge, and family income, while the dependent variable was disability. Data was statistically analyzed by Chi-square test and multivariate logistic regression (α = 0.05). The results are that the most prevalent type of leprosy is Multi Basilar (94%). There is association between regular medication and disability (p = 0.005; O.R = 6.7). There is no effect of regular medication to disability (p = 0.150). No effect of sex (p = 0.069), age (p = 0.251), education level (p = 0.366), and family income (p = 1.00) to regularity of medication. There is effect of knowledge to regularity of medication (p = 0.003; O.R = 0.2; B = 1.881). The conclusion is that the patient with low level of knowledge tends to take medicine irregularly which leads to disability.
Key words: disability, type of leprosy, regularity of medication
Penulis: Selum dan Chatarina Umbul Wahyuni
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd120124

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