Abstract: Metabolic  Syndrome  (MS)  is  a  condition  when  a  person  has  elevated  blood  pressure,  central  obesity  and dyslipidemia,  with  or  without  hyperglycemic.  Globally,  the  incidence  of  MS  is  increasing  rapidly. Epidemiological  data  indicate  that  the  prevalence  of  MS  in  the  world  is  20-25%.  Metabolic  Syndrome prevalence varies widely because some matters, such as unequal criteria used, differences in ethnicity / race, age  and  gender.  The  highest  prevalence  of  MS  was  found  in  Hispanic  women.  WHO  also  estimates  that Metabolic  Syndrome  is  found  in  many  ethnic  groups,  including  several  ethnic  groups  in  the  Asia  Pacific region,  such  as  India,  China,  Aboriginal,  Polynesian  and  Micronesian.  Research  in  Makassar  which involved  330  men  aged  between  30-65  years  and  using  the  criteria  of  the  NCEP  ATP  III  waist circumference adjusted  for  Asia (classification according  to  WHO recommendations for adults, ie ≥90 cm for men and ≥80 cm for women ) found a prevalence of 33.9%.
Keywords: metabolic syndrome, epidemiology
Penulis: NurhaedarJafar
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd120153

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