STRATEGI DIVERSIFIKASI PRODUK KAYU OLAHAN Acacia mangium (studi kasus : PT. Musi Hutan Persada)
Abstract: The objective of
this study is to suggest the best
wood products of Acacia mangium that have
high value-added as an alternative business and to formulate the
fitting strategy. This study is descriptive case study applying purposive sampling method which involved wood
product Experts and Senior PT. Musi Hutan Persada Management. Data have been analyzed through Exponential
Compare Method (MPE) to select the best product alternative based on eleven set
criteria, using AHP method, Hayami value-added Analysis, and Cost
Analysis. The study shows that there are
five superior Acacia mangium based products, namely 1) Sawnwood and woodworking
(KGKO), 2) Furniture, 3) Medium Density Fibreboard (MDF), 4) Tannin-glue of Acacia
mangium bark and 5) Wood Charcoal. And
Sawnwood and Woodworking (KGKO), Furniture, and Tannin-glue
have the best chance. Best
business strategy to be adhered by MHP, “related-diversification”, then is to continue utilizing Acacia mangium wood as renewable resources, integrated and sustainable business.
Penulis: Hamzah, Marimin, Imam
Teguh Saptono
Kode Jurnal: jpmanajemendd050017
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