Abstract: Cassava is one of
the food ingredients to support food diversification program. For it is
necessary to introduce processed cassava product to get new food alternatives.
Brownies made with cassava flour and cassava flour can add additional types of
brownies that have been there in the market. This study is an experiment that
is making brownies using 100% cassava flour and cassava flour addition of 50%.
Panelists in this study were student school of public health University of
North Sumatra as thirty people. Acceptability test data obtained were analyzed
descriptively and nutritional value of carbohydrates was deretmined by
hydrolysis methode and phosphor was determined by AAS method (atomic absorption
spectrofotometri) and the method was tested in the laboratorty standardization
agency for industrial research and medan. the results showed that student
receive the test public health University of North Sumatraagainst brownies. The
addition of cassava flour is preferred by the addition of 50% brownies. The
addition of cassava flour in making brownies giving increasing amountd of
carbohydrat and phosphor on the brownies. The addition of cassava flour in
making brownies with a variety of different influence evident on the assessment
test acceptability in terms of taste, aroma and texture and nutrient content of
the resulting brownies. But did not give a significatly different efect on the
color brownies. Then it is recommended that the public can make brownies
cassava as food alternatives because it contains carbohydrates and phosphorus
necessary body.
Penulis: Elvina Novyanti
Pulungan, Albiner Siagian, Ernawati Nasution
Kode Jurnal: jpkesmasdd130226